Join us in ParentSquare
We are excited to let you know that this year Valley School Distict is using ParentSquare to communicate with you at school, and in your classrooms and groups. ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school to connect.
Activating an account with ParentSquare allows you to:
- Customize email, text and/or App notifications
- RSVP for classroom and school activities
- Communicate privately with your teacher(s)
- Securely receive important information
To activate your account, view the GETTING STARTED flyer.
GET THE ParentSquare APP
You can access ParentSquare from any device. Download the free mobile App for Apple iOS or Android using the QR codes below.
Paideia Weather Station
How hot or cold is it outside?
Check out the Paideia High School Weather Station for up-to-minute information about the temperature; humidity level; wind chill, speed and direction; and barometic trends. The weather data is used by science students to observe and record meteorological characteristics for the Valley area.
Welcome to our new website!
Pages under construction. Check back often for updates!