Program Vision:
Highly Capable students will develop their intellectual and creative talents while…

Program Mission:
The Valley School District will find and nurture talent in students, meeting their academic, psychological, and social needs by providing and supporting opportunities for them to:
- pursue their interests
- learn content at a personalized pace and level of complexity
- develop social/emotional skills
- connect and work with students of similar abilities
If you know a student who demonstrates advanced achievement, aptitude, or potential in academic and creative areas, please recommend him or her for inclusion in the Highly Capable Program. This unique program helps students develop their special abilities. It serves students in the Valley School, Paideia High School and Columbia Virtual Academy who exhibit special learning characteristics such as:
- unusual depth of understanding and retention
- creative, abstract or complex thinking and problem-solving
- excelling in science, history, writing, mathematics, and/or the fine arts
- the ability to learn very quickly
Highly Capable Program Referrals
Student referrals may come from parents, community members, teachers, and other school staff anytime during the school year. Click on the link below to print and complete a Highly Capable Referral form or pick one up at your school's main office. Referral for the program does not guarantee enrollment.
Mail -
Highly Capable Program Coordinator
Valley School District
3030 Huffman Road
Valley, WA 99181
In Person -
District Office
3030 Huffman Road
Valley, WA 99181
By Email -
Highly Capable Program Coordinator
T.O. Bakken
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, please contact:
(509) 640-6880